The purpose of the Faith Formation program at First Congregational Church of Canton Center is to engage, inspire and celebrate all children, youth, and their families in their personal faith journeys. Our Faith Formation Directors lead a volunteer effort from within our congregation to actively provide faith-based programs for children of all ages.
Church School is held weekly, during Sunday worship time. We employ an experiential model with activities designed in line with the theme of Rev. Brenda’s Sunday message. Class plans are grounded in an understanding of education as relational learning, active and experiential, process oriented with the goal of mirroring the God light that shines through each of us and recognizing the gifts that each one embodies.
Outside of classes, our Faith Formation program is involved in many organized activities to provide intergenerational interaction and communication such as occasional local hikes, movie nights, adventure game night, pretzel-making workshops and other hands-on events of food, fellowship, music, and crafts. Some of these events are for fund-raising purposes such as our annual Cake Auction. Our church community recognizes and values the inherent joy and light of our children.
If you’d like more information about our programs, please contact Kristen in the church office at [email protected].